Friday, August 24, 2012

Wait, who?

  Oblivion: The state of being forgotten, especially by the public. 

     What would that feel like? To be forgotten by virtually everybody? I've thought about this quiet a lot, lately. Most people wonder, what kind of legacy they will leave behind when they die, but I wonder, will anyone remember me, much less any "legacy" I leave.
     Do you want to be forgotten? Do you want to be unknown? When someone asks, "Hey, do you know so-and-so?"
     They'll say, "Wait, who?"
     Is that your dream? Or do you want to do something that stands apart from all others? To have an unmarked tomb, or to have a beautiful epitaph?
     You want to be remembered? I thought so. But remember, because of the path you have chosen, you will need to think wisely abut your next steps. How do you want to be remembered? As a first-class criminal? The next mother Theresa? Maybe as the world's strongest person?
"Who am I? I could be anyone."

     This is a line from the movie "Rango", in which the main character (Rango) contemplates who he is. He has no goals, no plan for his life, no friends or family, and when suddenly asked who he was, he was speechless. He had friends on Facebook, he was working on plays and novels, he had snazzy clothes...but who was he? Do objects define you? How about your goals? Friends?
     Who are and what are you trying to accomplish, if anything? And don't wait until the last minute to figure this out, because you don't want to be the person who does nothing for half their life, then find out they have 4 months to live and most that time will be in the hospital stuck to an IV tube. A withering skeleton wishing they had done something with their life and they then die a forgotten man, who's last hours were filled with regret and pain for not making something of themselves.

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

     Does this hurt? Did I ruffle a few feathers? Good, now go do something with yourself.
Life is sacred, and it is a shame to see anyone throw it away, either because the person did nothing with it, or because the person didn't like life and decided to leave. No one will remember you, or care to, if you don't give them a reason to.

“I maybe here for a short while, gone tomorrow into oblivion or until the days come to take me away. But, in whatever part you play, be remembered as part of a legacy...of sharing dreams and changing humanity for the better. It's that legacy that never dies”

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Thank you for posting it, it was just what I needed today!

    Mandie (:
