If your curious about me...

I have 9 siblings, the newest addition being born December 27th, 2011. I play video games with my 3 brothers (who can pwn me at anything, especially video games...except for my 7 year old brother. I can cream him in just about anything ;P) and do girly stuff with my 6 sisters...except the baby; she only likes "peek-a-boo".

I am a very curious cat. If you have spoken with me, you've probably heard the phrases, "I don't mean to be rude, but why..." or "What are you doing?"  I have been called "nosy" on hundreds of occasions (not kidding) because I ask nosy questions. If you want me to stop, I'll stop. I'll just look you up on Google when I get home. I usually let my curiosity go hog wild on Wikipedia, where I look up actors to tornadoes, from galaxies to popular sovereignty. (inside joke)

So, you'll find this blog usually starts out with me having a question (what is God's purpose for me, what is color, how many jelly beans can I hold in my mouth a one time?) and then I will usually try to answer them. Most of the questions will be about God and then the rest will be about...well, everything else.

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