Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

You were made to lead us,
To stand strong amidst the fight,
To pull us onward up the mount,
Ignoring its towering heights.

You were made to be brave,
To ignore impending dark,
To laugh despite the toughest odds,
Trained to hit the mark.

Your courage led me onward,
Your strength, it made me tall,
Tenacity helped me learn,
To get up when I fall.

You taught me perseverance,
To never give up hope,
And when the going gets tough,
Get going, don't mope.

You helped me be a leader,
Stay strong in all I do,
To weather hardships, large and small,
And it's all thanks to you.

You taught me by example,
I always looked to you,
Your guidance is what helped me,
To always make it through.

I've never looked at you,
With disdain in my heart,
Or felt some sort of disrespect,
Or loathing on my part.

I've cherished every bear hug,
And enjoyed every poke,
I love the way you laugh out loud,
When you tell a corny joke.

All your imperfections,
Are outweighed by the great
Things you've taught me through my life,
That are forever in my heart.

I thank God for deciding,
To give a dad like you,
To a little girl who needed strength,
Thank God that I know you.

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