Saturday, June 16, 2012

Click it or ticket...or regret it.

     Most people don't see this as a gigantic problem. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I just think this is big enough to talk about. I want to warn you about the frustration, anger and guilt before it's too late to fix it.
     It was sometime in February. The night before, we had a house fire that destroyed our basement, laundry room and most of the front door area. Thank the Lord that insurance is covering that. Anyway, we were staying with some friends until we had a rental to stay in. We went out to eat at McDonald's, still somewhat surprised by our bad fortune last night. We had driven two cars, my parents and three siblings in one, and five people in the other car. I was in the five person car. Our parents sent us ahead, saying they needed to pick up a few things at Walmart.
     Joseph was driving. I'm not really sure what happened, but we ran into some slush on the road. The car swerved a little and Joseph put his foot on the brake. That didn't help. We swerved even more, Joseph trying to gain control of the vehicle. I put my hand over the two younger kids sitting next to me, making sure they didn't fall. They were terrified. To be honest, I was really scared too.
     The car spun out of control and we were flung into the ditch. I closed my eyes, but I kept my hand over my siblings, bracing myself. When I opened my eyes, everything was still, and for a split second, I thought I was still upside down. The car had flipped on it's side ; the passenger side, so the kids were on top of me. They were still screaming, but they were both alive. Thank God.

"Is everyone okay!?!" Joseph asked, looking around.

     Sammy calmed down a little, but was still really excited. He turned to me, tears running down his face and said," I got the phone! I got the phone!"
     I hugged him, praising the Lord he was okay.
     Joseph, since he was closest to the door, climbed out and began helping the other kids out. After the younger two were out, I laid me head against the glass, breathing slowly. I wanted to close my eyes and just wake up from this horrible dream. It's not really a feeling I can explain. Even though it was over, I was still scared.
     Adrenaline is a gift. It helps you ignore the pain and do what needs to be done in certain situations. It helps you push past your feeling of despair and pull yourself out of the ditch. I did. Thankfully, we were not that far from a friends house. So Joseph stayed behind to call the ambulance and our parents and Timothy and I took the younger two down the road. Kim (the friend) was on the phone with our dad as she opened the door.

     "Yeah, they're right here."

     Once inside, we examined the kids for any indications of concussion or broken bones. Nothing, they seemed okay. Luckily, Kim had some younger kids who were playing with Legos, and that seemed to take the younger kid's minds off the accident for a while. I fell into a nearby chair, my legs still shaking. I suddenly felt very tired and wished I could go to bed. I wanted to see my parents...and yet I didn't.
     The ambulance came before my mom did. They checked everybody out, feeling the spine and arms, making us bend our neck. Everyone was fine and the paramedic was very surprised. Why? The reason was enough to make me turn my face away in shame; the younger kids had not been buckled in.
     I wasn't just mortified, I was disgusted with myself and not a day goes by without me thanking God for keeping those kids safe. They should have been hurt, maybe even dead, but God saw it fit to bestow mercy upon me; selfish, disgusting me, who put her own seatbelt on and didn't make sure the kids were. I was the oldest, I was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO THEM!
     Later, after the adrenaline had fully worn off, my wrist began to hurt me. I had to wear a splint for three weeks, a cast for three weeks and then the split on and off for the rest of the month. Sometimes, I have to wear the splint because my wrist bothers me. And you know what? I had expected God to break my wrist, as punishment for my selfish and insistently act. But he didn't. God forgave me...he excepted my apology as enough...and I thank him for that. For his unending grace and mercy.
     I still get scared when I'm driving, and even when I'm not. I still wish I could take that day back and fix what I did. But I have learned my lesson... And you should too.

     They say seat belts save lives. I believe it.

     "Failure to wear a seat belt contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior. 63% of people killed in accidents are not wearing seat belts. Wearing a seat belt use is still the single most effective thing we can do to save lives and reduce injuries on America's roadways."(car

     The only reason my younger siblings didn't get hurt is the because God wanted to give us another chance. He wanted us to do better in the future and maybe save you guys from a few injuries...or lives. Take my advice; don't get in the car and think you don't need to worry about it because it happens to "somebody else"...because to everyone else, you are "somebody else".

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