Saturday, July 14, 2012

A world without children...

     Once upon a time, there was a town that was overrun with rats. The townsfolk had tried everything to get rid of the rats; cats, traps, and exterminators, but nothing worked. They were just about to give up hope, when a stranger entered into the scene and claimed he could rid the town of rats...permanently. Desperate, the people agreed, but promised to pay AFTER the rats were disposed of. With that, the Piper put his pipe to his lips and began to play.
     Soon, rats began to come out, intrigued by the music. They followed the Piper, trying to get to the music. The Piper led them out of the town to a nearby river, where every rats was drowned. However, the people (for reasons unknown) refused to pay the Piper for his work. Angry, the Piper asked agin for his money, vowing he would do horrible things if they didn't pay. Laughing, the townsfolk refused. The Piper put the pipe to his lips and began to play a song. However, instead of rats coming to his side, the village children did instead, and no matter how loud or how much they called, the children continued to pursue to Piper as he strode out of the town. The children and the Piper were never seen again.

      Many historians believe the children died, whether from sickness or drowning in the river, no one really knows. The pied piper was believed to be death, since death was usually decked in pied (motley) clothing. But whether these children died or ran away, we do know one thing; In the year 1384, these words were written, "It's been 100 years since our children left." (Wikipedia.)

What would it be like to live in a world without children? What would it feel like? 

     I recently watched a movie called "Children of Men". It was about a dystopian world being torn apart by war and terrorism. The year is 2027, and the women of the world have been plagued with infertility for 18 years and so the human race is dying out. No children, no future, no hope. That was one of the promotional logos for the movie. The world was one lacking in hope and joy, and it wasn't just because of war, but because the knew that if they died, no one could take their place. The end of humanity is at hand.
How close our we to that world? Not necessarily a world of infertility, but a world without children. We live in a world that "empowers" women to "take charge" of their body and go live their dream. Large families are laughed at and mocked for their huge size. We try to build a Utopian society built on the pursuit of choice and "happiness". But what happens when they are gone? What happens when they are taken away?

What if I told you it's already happening?
     Mark Steyn discusses what he calls a "demographic death spiral",

     "[There] (Japan) the rising sun has already passed into the next phase of its long sunset: net population loss. 2005 was the first year since records began in which the country had more deaths than births. Japan offers the chance to observe the demographic death spiral in its purest form. It’s a country with no immigration, no significant minorities and no desire for any: just the Japanese, aging and dwindling."

     As the number of children born every year dwindles, couples, either elderly, unable to have children or they just refuse, are trying to find other ways to satisfy their desire to care for "something". You've seen couples treating their pets like babies right? Apparently, these aren't good enough. (surprisingly *sarcasm*) Some toy makers have begun production of a doll, the Yumel doll, that can speak about 1,200 phrases for those who want a child...and yet don't. I wonder if people would still buy them if they started to have to change diapers...

     All across Europe, the number of children born every year are taking a drastic drop...and they don't show any sure signs of stopping. And it's not just infertility that is to blame. Abortions, contraceptives, or just wanting to put it off because "I'm not ready".  What people fail to realize, is that, as our children begin to disappear, so does our will to live.

     Why are we trying to make a better world? Why do they tell us to clean up our garbage, pay off the national debt and help build a stronger community? For the next generation. Even if you aren't a Christian, everyone feels an obligation to clean up at least a little bit for those coming after. And for those who couldn't care less about it? Well, we're all going to end up like them soon;

     "Without the hope of posterity, for our race if not for ourselves, without the assurance that we being dead yet live, all pleasures of the mind and senses sometimes seem no more than pathetic and crumbling defences shored up against our ruins." (Children Of Men)

      Children bring joy, laughter and smiles. They bring color and creativity. They ask questions adults are afraid to ask and (sometimes) posses wisdom beyond their years. They take work, yes, but so does everything else.
     "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5

     Unfortunately, many forget this or say its a lie. They refuse to believe that children could ever be a blessing to themselves and others. Jeff Jacoby, in his article, "A World Without Children", ends his paper with this though-provoking quote,

     "A world without children will be a poorer world - grayer, lonelier, less creative, less confidant. Children are a great blessing, but it may take their disappearance for the world to remember why."

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