Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

     Dad asked me to write a poem for church about a week ago. Of course, I procrastinted and put it off, saying, "Oh, I've got time. I can do this. Don't worry." It wasn't until two days ago that I actualy started writing it. *blushes*Anyway, happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the wonderful mom's I know. (You know who you are)

Mothers sometimes frown at kids,

They dislike how they play,

“These children do not appreciate,

How we put our dreams away.”

“They do not care for us one bit,”

The mothers snort and huff,

“They do not know how much we work,

They do not care enough.”

Mother’s, if you ever thought,

Such disruptive things, then STOP!

Let me put those fears to rest,

And bring our “Thank You”s to the top.

Who said you don’t have value?

Who said we didn’t care?

We treasure every gentle kiss,

Upon our tousled hair.

We thank you for the rough nights,

When you refused to leave our side,

We thank you for the strange times,

When we made you mortified.

God bless you for the trials,

And hardships you endure,

You helped me make it through those times,

And always reassured.

Though we would have our hissy-fits,

When we couldn’t have our sweets,

You never gave up hope in us,

Did not accept defeat.

When you were faced with darkest night,

That never seemed to end,

You spat in it’s face and vowed to all,

That you would never bend.

Your faith, it kept me going,

Your strength it held me up,

Your humor made the bad days good;

You laughed at life’s hiccups.

You taught me the important things,

From history to math,

What it means to be a winner,

What it means to really laugh.

You taught me how to clean my room,

And how to cook a pie,

You taught me how to clean a wound,

And how to care for Sty eye. (which is really gross...believe me, I had it once)

You always read the best of books,

To us when we were young,

You always red us one more page,

Though you could hardly feel you tongue.

But the greatest thing you’ve taught me,

Wasn’t about math or books or pie.

It’s the example you have been to me,

Praising the Lord on high.

You have shown me what is wisdom,

How to be prudent with my words,

To listen first before I speak,

And to be strong when hurt.

Without a doubt, I would be lost,

If it weren’t for you,

God bless you for the things you’ve done,

And everything you do.

We love your smile and laughter,

We hate to see your tears,

We love it when you love us back,

We love you, mother dear.

     Anyway, that was a bomb of a poem, but at least we can make up for it with these strawberries.
Sherri's (Picture couresy of them)

     Don't those look so good? I know she'll like them. These strawberries came from Sherri's if anybody is interested. We could also attach a card...for free! Booyah!
Dear Mother,
     We promise we will not ask for one teensy, weensy little bite of you deliscious, big strawberries.
     Your beloved Spawn.
Happy Mother's Day!

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